Rewind to the first pride march in the Philippines; fast forward to today’s march

A ‘pride march’ will be held today, Dec. 8, 3:00 pm at Plaza Rajah Sulayman near Malate Church in Manila.

Read this article on how the ‘pride march’ started.

Did you know that first ‘pride march’ in Asia was held here in the Philippines?

Yes. The Philippines’ and Asia’s first ‘pride march’ was held on June 26, 1994 at Quezon Memorial Circle, and was spearheaded by the Progressive Organization of Gays in the Philippine (Progay Philippines) and the Metropolitan Christian Church.

That first march bannered the calls for equal rights, and — you better believe it — against VAT that continues to oppress all people (including LGBTs) to this very day!

Here’s a video of the historic 1994 event, made available to us by Progay president Oscar Atadero.

More Progay videos here.

Below are photos of the 2006 pride march, also led by Progay:

Rewind to the first pride march 13 years ago, and fast forward to today’s march, and we know much has to be done for equal rights, for the eradication of discrimination, for recognition of and respect for the diversity of our people.