My friends Mao and Jang can now rest content: Taiwan company Asustek has finally launched the Eee PC.

Gizmodo gives us a quick glance at the four variants, all powered by Linux operating system and features fit for basic office work and internet browsing.

At the launch in Taiwan, Asustek said the initial price will be US$245 (about P10,000) for the lowest end unit. Company officials were also quoted as saying that Asustek “intends to target larger buyers such as governments and educational organisations, selling the Eee PCs for as little as US$199 apiece.”

The Eee PC is a step forward to making computers and the internet available to the middle classes. Laptop prices should soon fall down as Eee PC units enter the market. I hope importers and dealers don’t make a killing literally by gouging customers with huge price markups. If they do so (they usually do!), it will defeat the purpose and limit the number of buyers.

Photo courtesy of Yahoo! News and Reuters. Asustek chief Jonney Shih laughs as he holds an Eee PC between two kids.

By tonyo

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