State-run television network launches team blog

The government-owned National Broadcasting Network has quietly launched a team blog.

The team blog is called “NBNi Plus: Your Soft Copy of the Hard News” and is apparently led by former News 23 executive producer Winona Cueva, who is now creative and new media consultant of NBN.

It remains unclear who are the members of the team blog or whether they include “Team NBN” which was the moniker given NBN’s board members and corporate officials in NBN’s official website.

In a post dated Sept. 20 at the team blog’s About page, Cueva wrote:

Here, you can stay in touch with the NBN Team, get to know what stories they are pursuing, what their thoughts are on certain issues… what experiences they have in the course of giving you information. And you can actually connect with them by posting comments to their blogs. You can even post your own stories and videos! Now, ain’t that kewl?

Powered by WordPress, NBNi Plus’s blogroll includes a dead link to the conservative US network Fox and live links to CNN’s In the Field team blog, veteran journalist Mike Cohen and son Gabby Cohen.

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